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I want a cell to change colour on 15 characters in Excel 2010 - Stack Overflow
Select the cell Go to Home tab From Conditional Formatting choose Highlight Cell Rules > More Rules Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format Write =LEN($A1)>=15 as formula and select format (change colors etc.)
Saved by: Paul on 29 Jun 2020
mysql - PHP - Using PDO with IN clause array - Stack Overflow
This seems the most relevant bit... $arr = [1,2,3]; $in = str_repeat('?,', count($arr) - 1) . '?'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo=? AND column IN ($in) AND bar=? AND baz=?"; $stm = $db->prepare($sql); $params = array_merge([$foo], $arr, [$bar, $baz]); $stm->execute($params); $data = $stm->fetchAll(); ... although I ended up doing the IN with a straight list as I could be sure the items in the list were clean.
Saved by: Paul on 19 Jun 2020
Video on De-duplicating spreadsheets in OpenOffice
Highlight the column with the data in that needs de-duplicating. Data > Filter > Standard Filter > Choose column, Value: - not empty - Open "More Options" Choose "No duplication" Click "OK" Highlight all data and copy to another spreadsheet
Saved by: Paul on 11 Jun 2020
Using Statamic as a CMS alongside a Laravel App
Elliot's article about setting up Statamic within an existing Laravel app - will be useful for me to do on a couple of projects
Saved by: Paul on 5 Jun 2020
GitHub - fogleman/primitive: Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
A library/way to create images using simple primitives, which are much smaller and can be SVGs. Interesting to have a play with
Saved by: Paul on 5 Jun 2020
Matrix Chat / Wiki / Markdown Syntax
The various bits of markdown supported by Matrix chatrooms
Saved by: Paul on 21 May 2020
Search operators you can use with Gmail - Gmail Help
The various searches you can do within Gmail
Saved by: Paul on 20 May 2020
#LEARNUARY BONANZA - The FULL SET of Robin's first 175 - ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE - How To Think When You WRITE tutorials! - The Etherington Brothers
How to Think When You Write tutorials by the same people who do the How to Think When You Draw tutorials and books
Saved by: Paul on 11 May 2020